You've just typed the
words “The End”. Your masterpiece—weeks, months, sometimes even
years in the making—is finally finished. Sure, it might not be the
next Great American Novel, and it may never win any awards, or make
it to the number one spot on the New York Times' Best Seller List.
But you're enamored of it and you think it has potential.
So what do you do next?
Send it out to agents and editors at one of the big five publishing
houses? Upload it to Amazon or CreateSpace? Shell out some cash to
Lulu or BookBaby?
Nope, nope, and nope.
The next step is to
corral some friends—bribe them with chocolate cake or brown butter
cookies or a really nice chicken tagine with lots of harissa, if you
need to—and offer them the chance to help make history, to become
so important that their opinion will alter the course of the world.
Ask them to become Beta Readers!
What's a beta reader,
you may be asking. A beta reader is an author's bestest, most
important friend in the publishing game. Even more important than an
agent, an editor, and yes, even more important than the guy who fixes
computers. A few good beta readers are the difference between life
and death to your book.
You see, they see the
manuscript in its rawest form. They see your book naked, in front of
one of those dressing room mirrors with that awful lighting that
exposes each little flaw, each little bump and curve and divot, and
they help decide which parts need liposuction and which parts are
perfect just the way The Maker created them.
But how do you find the
sort of beta readers who will be honest with you, who are capable of
giving you in-depth insight, who can say more than, “I liked it. It
was good.” That, my friends, is what I'm here to tell you. I'll
share with you the secrets of finding the perfect beta reader.
- Ask friends who are writers. Most writers are capable of a certain level of deep critique; they know what they like, they know what works and what doesn't, and they're able to express those opinions in a way that is constructive.
- Ask friends who are heavy readers. I'm talking about that one friend who reads like three or four books a week. They are clearly intelligent people, capable of thought, and probably know whether your protagonist is a rip-off of Jefferson Nighthawk, or if your antagonist is too perfectly evil to be sympathetic with your readers.
Once you've assembled
your group of five to seven readers, hand over the manuscript. But
don't just give it to them, pat them on their head, and send them
off. That's a big mistake. Tell them what you need. If you're looking
for help making sure your plot is air-tight, tell them that. If
you're looking for ways to ensure your female characters pass the
Bechdel test, tell them that, too. Admit to them which parts of your
book are weak and ask them how to shore them up. Ask them to tell you
which were their favorite characters and the ones that can die in a
fire. Ask them to go over your baby with a fine-toothed comb and pick
out the nits. And then give them this list of seven questions,
designed to sharpen their focus. Feel free to add or take away your
own questions, based on your own needs.
Then sit back and
relax. Your beta readers have got this. Enjoy the feeling of knowing
that you're well on your way to becoming a published author and that
you're doing everything you can to ensure your story is the best it
can be.
And try not to stress out about finding the perfect editor.
I used to love beta reading. And if I am absolutely POSITIVE the person can handle criticism, I still do for a select few. But this is so true. Beta readers are my heroes. I found a wonderful beta reader in Belinda. Although my work wasn't to her taste, she went through it and tore it apart, and I thank her tremendously for it. :D When you have a good beta reader, don't let them go! lol